How to Get the Most Out of Your Massage Therapy Session
We want you to get the most out of your sessions with our therapists. They are invested in helping you heal your body and genuinely care that you take steps towards getting better during each treatment. Often times, they need a little help from you to see the best results.
The most important thing you can do is communicate with your therapist. Maybe they went to deep or too light for your taste. This is easy to change, but it requires you to express your feelings to your therapist so they can make those adjustments.
A lot of times our patients don’t communicate with their therapists because they are worried about hurting their feelings or they think they are getting the treatment they need (If it hurts I must need it, Right?), so they should deal with the discomfort. Neither of these things are true!
Communicate With Your Therapist
Our massage therapists are here to make you feel better. If they are not helping you reach that goal, they want to know how they can fix it. Also, if they are using too much pressure and you are in pain, you are probably tensing up and working against them. This is counterproductive to both of you so you need to tell your therapist “that hurts” so they can change their approach.
Communication with your therapist should occur before, during, and after your treatment. If you want your entire session to feel delicious, tell your therapist that before you hop on the table. If you ask for a full body session, your therapist might have to move fast during some parts, and that does not feel good to everyone. So, if you ask for a full body massage and tell your therapist you wanted every second of it to feel amazing, they will explain their time constraint and give you a more realistic expectation for your session.
We want you to be comfortable during your session. Tell your therapist if you are:
- too cold or too hot
- getting a stuffy nose from being face down
- uncomfortable in the face cradle
- bothered by a smell in the room or the music
- experiencing discomfort during the treatment (ANY discomfort, no matter how trivial)
- uncomfortable because of the position you are in
- unhappy with what they are talking about or how much they are talking
- uncomfortable with how or where they are touching you
Expect a 30 Minute Evaluation
Body Fix Therapies in Sacramento is unique. Our orthopedic treatments are very successful because of the assessments we do with our patients. We typically start each patient with an 80-minute session that includes an average 30-minute evaluation and 50 minutes of hands-on time.
Our first-time clients are sometimes surprised by having an assessment before their treatment. They expect to come into our practice and get on the table immediately, as you do in many massage establishments. We can’t truly find out what is going on with your body and plan to fix it without doing an evaluation. It’s essential that you understand the value of this consult to get the most out of your session.
Bring Medical Records
If you have x-rays, an MRI report, lab report, or any other information that can help us get a clear picture of your injury and how to solve it bring it with you to your session. Even better, drop it off beforehand so your therapist can take a look before your appointment.
Some of our patients email us a detailed history of their injury before they come in. This is extremely helpful and makes the evaluation go much faster. The better we can understand your condition, your body, and precisely what you are experiencing, the better we can treat you once you are on our table.
If you are living in discomfort from an injury or chronic medical condition give us a call at 916.488.4223 today. Our Master Therapist provides free phone consultations and can help you understand if bodywork is a good option for you.